- Does Simpsons Road Rage Work On Xbox 360
- Simpsons Road Rage Xbox 360 Compatible
- The Simpsons Road Rage Xbox 360
- The Simpsons Road Rage Download
- Rage Xbox 360 Cheat Codes
- The Simpsons Road Rage Xbox 360
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Multiple cheats can be entered simultaneously. Cheats are only active for the next game session. All cheats will be disabled once you return to the main menu. When any cheat is enabled, no money can be earned in Road Rage mode. Drive red brick car. At the options menu, hold L + R and press B(2), Y, X. Apr 10, 2013 I been on the phone with Xbox four times already First they told me I could play The Simpsons Rd. Rage on the 360 if I had hard drive So I bought one and it didn't work and I called and they didn't know what to do Then they said that the game doesn't work on the 360 So I have a question does the Simpsons Road rage work on the Xbox 360. The Simpsons - Road Rage Occasion Xbox What other items do customers buy after viewing this item? Simpsons Road Rage Platinum Hits - Xbox Xbox. Electronic Arts. 42 offers from $14.25. The Simpsons: Bart vs. The Space Mutants (Renewed) Acclaim. 4.1 out of 5 stars 3.
Get the latest The Simpsons: Road Rage cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, hints, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Xbox (Xbox). CheatCodes.com has all you need to win every game you play!
Use the above links or scroll down see all to the Xbox cheats we have available for The Simpsons: Road Rage.
Fast Money
In the Entertainment District. Go to Land LordDonut Shop. There, Ralthf or Principal Skinnerwill be waiting to go to the Box Factory. Repeatthis untill you get as much money as you want.
More Money
To get to Willy's Shack quicker, go in front ofthe school and burst through the glass doors. Youwill zoom through a hall way and land right inthe yellow waves of the drop-off.
Extra Time And Money
Start in Evergreen Terrace. Drive straight ahead to the bus-stop and pick up thepassenger. They will want to go to the Kwik-E-Mart. Drop them off and pick up thepassenger just outside the Kwik-E-Mart. They will want to go to Smither'sapartment. Drop them off and shoot down the alley opposite to pick up thepassenger waiting at the end. They will want to go to Smither's appartment. Thepassenger will always be Martin, or the Sea Captain or Barney. Do a quick 180 andshoot down the alley to drop them off. Then, shoot up the alley again to pick upthe next passenger, who will always want to go to Smither's apartment. Keeprepeating this for easy money.
Mission Skip
Does Simpsons Road Rage Work On Xbox 360
Intentionally fail a mission five times to have the option to skip the mission.Note: This cannot be done on the final mission.
Time Matters

Its good if you get your person to there place, but what matters is the time orhow. Here are the ways you can get them there.
Extra Seconds
On Road Rage Mode,if you hit the glass benchesand signs with Mr.Burns face you can get an extra+2 seconds.
Hidden Car
Successfully complete all ten missions in mission mode to unlock The Homer car.The car is selectable in any mode by choosing Homer's picture at the car selectscreen.
Super Speed
Go to the option menu ress B(4). If you enteredit correctly you will here a sound. In the gameyou will have super speed and if you hold down(L) you will go even faster.
No Map Display
At the options menu, hold L + R and press X, Y(2), B. If you entered the codecorrectly, you will hear a sound.
At the options menu, hold L + R and press A, Y(2), A. If you entered the codecorrectly, you will hear a sound. While driving, hold and release X for a turboboost.
Overhead View
At the options menu, hold L + R and press X(3), Y. If you entered the codecorrectly, you will hear a sound.
Slow-motion Mode
At the options menu, hold L + R and press A, B, Y, X. If you entered the codecorrectly, you will hear a sound.
Show Collision Lines
At the options menu, hold L + R and press B(2), A(2). If you entered the codecorrectly, you will hear a sound.
Flat Characters
At the options menu, hold L + R and press X(4) at the options menu. If youentered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. All the people (except thecharacter you selected) will be flat.
Nighttime Mode
At the options menu, hold L + R and press A(4). If you entered the codecorrectly, you will hear a sound.
Extra Camera Views
At the options menu, hold L + R and press B(4). If you entered the codecorrectly, you will hear a sound.
Hidden Christmas Character
At the options menu, hold L + R and press B(2), X, B. If you entered the codecorrectly, you will hear a sound. Alternately, set the system date to December 25to unlock Christmas Apu (dressed in a Santa costume) under the '?' at thecharacter selection screen.
Hidden Thanksgiving Character
Simpsons Road Rage Xbox 360 Compatible
At the options menu, hold L + R and press B(2), X(2). If you entered the codecorrectly, you will hear a sound. Alternately, set the system date to the thirdThursday in November to unlock Thanksgiving Marge (dressed in a Pilgrim costume)under the '?' at the character selection screen.
Hidden Halloween Character
The Simpsons Road Rage Xbox 360
At the options menu, hold L + R and press B(2), X, A. If you entered the codecorrectly, you will hear a sound. Alternately, set the system date to October 31to unlock Halloween Bart (dressed in a Frankenstein costume) under the '?' at thecharacter selection screen.
Hidden New Year's Character
At the options menu, hold L + R and press B(2), X, Y. If you entered the codecorrectly, you will hear a sound. Alternately, set the system date to January 1to unlock New Year's Krusty under the '?' at the character selection screen.
Drive Nuclear Bus
At the options menu, hold L + R and press B(2), Y, A. If you entered the codecorrectly, you will hear a sound.
Drive As Smithers In Mr. Burn's Car
At the options menu, hold L + R and press B(2), Y(2). If you entered the codecorrectly, you will hear a sound.
Drive Small Red Box
At the options menu, hold L + R and press B(2), Y, X. If you entered the codecorrectly, you will hear a sound.
The Simpsons Road Rage Download
Chief Wiggum
Get about $5, 000 to unlock Chief Wiggum and the cop car!
We have no easter eggs for The Simpsons: Road Rage yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
Rage Xbox 360 Cheat Codes
We have no glitches for The Simpsons: Road Rage yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
People say:
The Simpsons Road Rage Xbox 360
I slagged the Xbox version of Road Rage a couple issues ago, not for its blatant plagiarism of Crazy Taxi, but rather for its many gameplay issues. I kept my expectations low going into the GameCube version this month and saved myself the disappointment. This is the exact same game as its Xbox and PS2 counterparts, which means you'll still have to deal with irritating load times and janky collision detection problems (it's easy to get your car stuck on objects and buildings). What's worse is that RR still has very little in the way of depth. Like CT, the object is to make some dough by driving the denizens of Springfield around town. The faster you truck, the bigger the buck. But man, did these cats miss the point of CT or what? RR doesn't reward you for weaving through traffic, pulling off jumps or causing near-misses. In fact, there isn't much technique here at all. Leave out these moments of skill and all you've got is a very bland rip-off starring the cast of our most beloved animated series. Sorry Simpsons fans, this is not the game it could have been.